What is the NFP method?
The NFP method, also known as Natural Family Planning, helps you to better understand your cycle. You can use this method specifically to use hormone-free contraception or to get pregnant. You use your body’s signals to determine fertile and non-fertile days. This method is based on the symptothermal method, which is scientifically proven. With the ovolution cycle app, you can integrate the NFP cycle chart digitally and conveniently into your everyday life.
The ovolution app is a Class I medical device according to EU MDR.
How does the NFP method work?
NFP combines various observations of your body. These include
- basal body temperature measurement
- and observation of the cervical mucus
- or changes in the cervix
By regularly documenting these signs, you get an accurate picture of your cycle. The ovolution app helps you to record and evaluate all the data easily and clearly. Thanks to the NFP method, you can reliably identify your fertile days. Stiftung Warentest has recognized the ovolution cycle app as one of the best cycle apps.
Advantages of the NFP method
The NFP method offers many advantages:
- No side effects
- Hormone-free
- High accuracy
- Promotion of body awareness
- Support for natural family planning
With NFP, you get to know your body better and understand the processes of your cycle. This creates confidence and security. Our certified NFP advisors are available to answer your questions and offer introductory courses and an individual cycle check. With over 10 years of experience, we will support you competently and sensitively.
Learn NFP and benefit from advice
If you would like to learn about Natural Family Planning, we offer you various options:
- Introductory courses in Natural Family Planning
- Personal advice from certified NFP advisors
- Cycle check for an individual analysis
With our introductory courses, you will learn step by step how to use the NFP method safely and effectively. Our cycle checks will help you to understand your cycle even better and make targeted use of your fertility. You can find more information on our website: NFP advice.
Conclusion: Your path to natural family planning
The NFP method is a reliable and natural way to determine your fertility. With the ovolution cycle app and our expert advice, you are well equipped. Whether you want to get pregnant or simply want to understand your cycle better, NFP offers you the right support. Find out more and start your journey to Natural Family Planning today: Learn NFP – Here’s how.
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Die NFP-Methode: hormonfrei und sicher
The ovolution app for your menstrual cycle helps you to apply and understand the rules of NFP according to Sensiplan®. Enter your temperature, cervical mucus and other body signs and understand how to evaluate according to NFP rules.
Simple. Reliable. Intuitive.
Available in all app stores on February 10th.
ovolution - your menstrual cycle app for NFP
The ovolution cycle app helps you to apply and understand the rules of NFP according to Sensiplan®. Enter your temperature, cervical mucus and other body signs and understand how to evaluate according to NFP rules.
Simple. Reliable. Intuitive.
All features
- Evaluation after NFP according to Sensiplan®
- Digital cycle sheet
- Export your cycles
- Informative calendar
- Documentation of numerous body signs
- Information on phases of your cycles
- Overview of all your cycles
- Statistics about your cycles
- Media library with many articles
3,99 €/month or 39,99€/year