If you want to get pregnant, your basal body temperature is an important indicator of your cycle. It shows you when you are fertile and helps you to determine your ovulation. Here you can find out all about basal body temperature, how to measure it and what it tells you about your cycle.
Your basal body temperature is your body temperature immediately after waking up. It changes over the course of your cycle. It is lower before ovulation and rises by around 0.2 to 0.5 degrees Celsius afterwards. These changes can be represented in a temperature curve, which helps you to recognize your ovulation and thus determine your fertile days.
To measure your basal body temperature correctly, you need a digital thermometer with two decimal places. Take your temperature every morning at the same time before you get up. Enter the measured temperature in the ovolution app. This app creates a basal body temperature curve that shows you when you ovulated.
The basal body temperature curve is divided into two phases: the low phase and the high phase. In the first phase of the cycle, the low phase, the temperature is lower. The temperature rises significantly around ovulation. This rise signals that ovulation has taken place. If the temperature remains high for at least 18 days, you can assume that you are pregnant.
Basal body temperature helps you to better understand your cycle and know when your fertile days are over. However, to recognize the start of your fertile days, you should observe how your cervical mucus or cervix changes. This knowledge about your ovulation increases your chances of getting pregnant. The temperature curve can also indicate possible health problems, such as a weak corpus luteum.
The most reliable method for finding out when your fertile period begins and ends is the NFP method. It is particularly valuable for women who have an irregular cycle or suffer from PCO, as it reliably determines whether and when ovulation has taken place in each cycle. We are happy to support you on your journey and offer you NFP introductory courses and a cycle check. As certified NFP advisors with over 10 years of experience, we can help you understand your cycle and increase your chances of getting pregnant. The ovolution app, recommended by Stiftung Warentest, helps you to determine your ovulation and fertile days. Visit our NFP consultation and learn NFP with our instructions. The app shows you a digital NFP cycle sheet that displays the basal body temperature curve, shows the first higher measurement and the length of the luteal phase and recognizes pregnancy.
Basal body temperature is a simple and reliable way to determine your ovulation and increase your chances of getting pregnant. With the right method and the support of our NFP advice, you can better understand your cycle and make targeted use of it. Download the ovolution app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and start your journey to your dream baby today.
These articles may also be relevant for you: when and where do I measure my basal body temperature, when do I ovulate, how to recognize fertile days in your cycle, getting pregnant with PCO using the NFP method,