
Become expert
for your cycle

The ovolution app helps you to apply and understand the rules of Natural Family Planning (NFP). Get to know your menstrual cycle and empower yourself regarding your contraception or your wish to become pregnant.

How does the ovolution cycle app work?
Get to know more here.

schwanger werden wann

Become pregnant
with NFP

3 out of 4 women become pregnant within the first 3 months if they monitor their cycle using the NFP method.

Find out now in the online course “Getting pregnant with NFP” how you can monitor your cycle with NFP and find out when the best time to get pregnant is.

Become expert
for your cycle

The ovolution app helps you to apply and understand the rules of Natural Family Planning (NFP). Get to know your menstrual cycle and empower yourself regarding your contraception or your wish to become pregnant.

How does the ovolution cycle app work?
Get to know more here.

Become pregnant
with NFP

3 out of 4 women become pregnant within the first 3 months if they monitor their cycle using the NFP method.

Find out now in the online course “Getting pregnant with NFP” how you can monitor your cycle with NFP and find out when the best time to get pregnant is.

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Miss Germany

Pregnant in 3 steps

Onlinekurs Schwanger werden mit NFP

The online course “Get pregnant faster – how it works!” provides you with valuable information on how to get pregnant quickly. Understand how the natural cycle works and learn the basics of NFP.

Find out the best time to get pregnant and increase your chances of conceiving naturally. 

Zyklus-App für NFP

Enter your observations in the ovolution app. It reliably determines when your highly fertile days are in your cycle using the NFP method.

Download the ovolution cycle app now and benefit from the fertility and pregnancy mode.

Paar macht NFP Beratung

Check in an individual cycle check together with a certified NFP consultant whether you are correctly recognizing and using the fertile time in your cycle.

She will go through all the conditions with you that must be met in order to get pregnant naturally.

Our mission

Hey, we are Anna & Timo! We founded ovolution in order to help you learn and apply NFP. With ovolution we want to accompany you on your way to contracept naturally and hormon free oder to realize your desire to become pregnant.

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Register now for our newsletter if you want to receive more information about the ovolution app and interesting articles about topics such as NFP and your natural cycle.

Start now with NFP and get the ovolution app!

Test the ovolution app 30 days for free